This year we will participate again in ERASMUS+ with a new project
As in the previous year, this year too, we have just been accepted into the Erasmus+ programme with a new project «RESPECT NATURE FOR A BETTER FUTURE», which we will start now and it will last for two years.
In this way, our students will enjoy the opportunity to work cooperatively internationally with students from other schools in Europe. This time, 6 stays abroad will be scheduled: we will visit France, Italy, Turkey, Bulgaria and Romania and they will also visit us. In total, (including us) 6 partners will participate in the project
From Claret Askartza we encourage participation in initiatives such as Erasmus+ that make the student the protagonist of his/her own learning, our objective being to educate people in skills, with the necessary skills to respond adequately to the challenges posed by their personal and professional life in the future.