Alumnado de Primaria baila el Zazpi jauzi en la fiesta de despedida del colegio
El equipo de Waterpolo Askartza masculino en el Torneo Memorial a Javi Saez.
Alumnado de 4º de ESO explica a sus compañeros de 1º la labor de la ONG Ojos del Mundo.
Mural decorado por el alumnado de Primaria con motivo del 17M, Día internacional contra la LGTBIQfobia
Alumnos/as trabajando en el diseño de los nuevos invernaderos/gallineros del centro
On the one hand, Sergio and Itsaso have been first in the video category for 15-18 years. On the other hand, Izaro, Xabier and Adriana, have obtained the first place in the category ‘Video Litter Less Campaign’. Zorionak to all!
This course, as in previous ones, we are fully involved in the Erasmus+ programme carrying out different projects.
As in the previous year, this year too, we have just been accepted into the Erasmus+ programme with a new project “RESPECT NATURE FOR A BETTER FUTURE”, which we will start now and it will last for two years.